Thursday, April 3, 2008


I am writing to tell all of you what a WONDERFUL day today was. Erik is doing VERY well. This morning there was some conflicting information that I was getting but this is the REAL info...straight from the trauma Dr. and the plastics doctor and most of all from Erik. I will start with the fun stuff (yes I said fun).

Erik is still sedated but at first he was sedated to a 10 and now he is a 4 so he is much more 'awake' than before. He moves around a lot, tries to sit up (and could if we let him), tries to move his arms up (but they are restrained to prevent him from pulling out his tubes). He crosses his feet, he bends his get the picture.
When I was speaking to the trauma doctor, Dr Shapiro, he said something to the effect that Erik may have a different personality, I responded in a teary eyed and shaky voiced "you mean that he might not have the same since of humor?"
Dr. Shapiro and Jen Johnstun saw Erik hold up his hand and 'wave' and the doctor said, "Hey buddy...I see you waving" I said, very excited while turning to look at Erik "He WAVED??!!" and then Erik waved again to me. Of course I ran to Erik, while holding his hand and reassured him that I love him and thanked him profusely for giving me that meaningful sign. I think this meant that he knew I was there, he knew I was scared and he knew what I was asking...He fully understood what I said to the doctor.
Thats not the only 'proof' he gave me today that he knows what I am saying. That is just the most exciting. Here is the rest...He was rubbing his butt (he has sciatica - a sore muscle in his leg/lower back frequently)- I said "oh honey, does you butt hurt?" and he NODDED!!! I said "do you want me to rub it for you?" and he NODDED again! He is communicating. When I spoke with him today about how I know that he hurts and that I know he misses Tanner and me...his lip quivered like he was crying. (I of course told him that we are ok and was supportive) WHAT A STRONG GUY! This shows that he has feelings - his brain is working!!!! YAY ! During this "conversation" it looked to me like he was trying to talk back...I told him "Don't try to talk. You cant with that tube in your throat. I know you hurt, I know you love me and Tanner......." He stopped trying to move his lips.

I can not express to you how relieved I am. I am so glad to be able to convey this information to you guys. I am actually HAPPY. I feel EXCITED. When I came home tonight I danced around the house while holding Tanner. Our family will be whole again. Ok so now that you read that your little jig and then read the medical stuff below.

Again and Again I will say that none of this timeline is for is ballpark depending on lots of factors. Erik IS breathing on his own now. He has that tube down his throat with the 'vent' attached...but it is just monitoring his breathing. He is doing the work himself. It looks like he is going to get the tube removed tomorrow sometime. This will make Erik much more comfortable. It is still undecided whether or not a trach is necessary (the, less invasive way, of letting him breathe on the vent). It LOOKS like we will not need the trach but, we'll see - no biggie if its there.

The plastic surgery was NEVER going to happen on friday. That was the wrong news (uninformed nurses in the AM). The first Plastic surgery will probably happen next Thursday (again maybe). This will give Erik more time to heal. Every day there has been outstanding progression on Eriks healing process - They actually look excited when they talk about his progress to me. They smile about it. They say it is very good. Who know's what will happen in the next week before the plastic surgery... AT BEST Erik and Tanner might be able to see eachother. Please don't let that frighten you. There must be a LOT of progress before that could happen. I will gauge that progress - I do NOT want to scare Tanner. We will deal with that road when we come to it.

Erik's brain is not in danger of swelling any more - the plastic surgery will not affect the swelling in his brain. It will make his face a bit bruised. I will explain more about the plastic surgery later. I want to write post to the man who accidentally hit Erik before I go to bed. It is most important right now.


thecoffeyfamily said...

Melissa - We are so very glad to here your news from Thursday. Can't believe the progress Erik is making. What an amazing reassurance that things are getting better, straight from Erik himself. Your posting made me laugh and cry. You are such an incredibly strong and brave person. If there is anything we can do to help you, please ask. We have had Erik, you and Tanner in our thoughts, as I know so many people have. Just think of all of that positive energy going to work.

shawnawks said...

WOW!!! I am seriously doing a little jig!! I never even in my deepest hopes thought he would recover so well! I think you are such an amazing person! I don't know what I would do if I was faced with the same situation. And what a strong person and personality Erik has! Tell him Doug and I are constantly thinking of him. I can't even tell you how many times a day I look at this blog! I really want to be able to help you and give you support, so just let me know what you need, really!

Lots of love,

Anonymous said...

hi Melissa - That's such exciting news from Thursday! Between the waving and the nodding, it sounds like he's doing all he can to reassure and communicate with you. Please know that "with a C" and i are thinking about you guys always. love, ang

AndyandAngieLong said...

This is incredible news! I am so happy to hear that Erik is progressing. He obviously wanted you to know some things. What an amazing will to communicate! Melissa, we have been thinking about and praying for you and your family often since the accident. We will continue to send positive thoughts your way as Erik continues his recovery. Please don't hesitate to let us know if there is anything we can do to help you guys.

Tracie said...

Melissa, What great news!! I laughed and cryed when I read your post. I'm glad Erik is doing so well. We continue to pray for you all everyday. Stay positive and just soak up all this love and support you are getting. God Bless! Chris and Tracie Ferguson

Tony&Jennifer said...

Melissa - Tony and I have been following Eriks recovery every day, and we're so happy to hear the good news in his progress so far. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you! It means the most to have friends and family in times like these.

Tony and Jennifer Ferguson