Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Discharge Date Set

Erik will be discharged from the Rehab program next Wednesday.... April 30th, exactly one month from when he first arrived at OHSU. I thought he was going to be in the hospital much longer than that. I am both excited and nervous for Erik to return home. Erik can't be left alone for quite a while. Someone needs to be with Erik at all times to make sure that he is safe, takes his med's, and eats. Occupational and Physical Therapists will visit our home until it is safe for Erik to regularly go to outpatient Rehab in a clinic. I will be bringing Erik to doctors appointments at OHSU for neurology and next week he has a plastic's appointment (hopefully they will take those staples out of his head?! They are very tender)
Erik is looking forward to getting out of the hospital! I think he will be much happier at home. Its the little things he misses like watching Tanner eat breakfast, cuddling with me at night, and enjoying a beer with his buddies. It will be a long time before he is able to have that beer. According to the doctor, it could be six months or a year. Because of Erik's brain injury one drink could affect Erik very differently than it did before. Erik totally understands this & does not want to affect his recovery negatively.
Erik had a party at the hospital last night. When Tanner and I arrived Ty, Michelle, Olivia, and little Ty were hanging out with Erik along with Doug and my dad. Ty's family brought Erik burger king but Doug won out by bringing Erik lobster (which Erik was asking for, for two weeks!) Doug and my dad left and were replaced by Dave and Rian. Erik put a comedy show on for all of the adults, played 'zingo' with the kids (pretty much bingo with pictures instead of numbers) and gave Tanner some rides in his wheelchair. He was pretty wiped out by 8 when we left. I think that he really had a nice evening.

1 comment:

Bob Schatz said...

Yea! get to go home, that is the best. Erik is so ready (mentally) to get out of there. Yea can't drink a beer but hey he can drink and eat and walk. When this first happened I kept thinking of how fragile we all are and how a sudden thing like this can radically change our lives and for the first week I was not upset for sitting in traffic or little things like that because I was happy that I was actually driving and living. Then that feeling starting wearing off and now I have to keep reminding myself of that feeling and have my own little reality check once in a while. Live life, love life, make that next trip around the sun worth life.