Saturday, April 12, 2008


I can't believe that in 3-1/2 hours it will have been 2 weeks since Erik's car accident. I would have to say that it has been the longest 2 weeks of my life.

I was at the hospital this evening with Erik. It seems like the confusion from his plastic surgery is now gone and he is back to where he was 3 days ago mentally, if not even better. I think it takes a while for the drugs to wear off from surgery, considering the brain injury that Erik experienced. He actually got to talk on the phone for the first time with Tanner tonight. He seemed pretty glad about that. He also spoke with my mom for quite a while, it was nice to see him on the phone again.

Erik's eyes are still swollen shut and his lips are pretty swollen...that being said, he is a little less swollen than yesterday. I hope that tomorrow he will be able to open his eyes again. I am curious to see what they look like & how they work under all of that swelling. The only bandage he has on his face on his nose. He was never more bandaged up after surgery...the plastic surgeon went in through his lower and upper eyelids, his mouth on the outside of his teeth, and they re-opened the cut on the top of his head. He will not have scars all over his face other than the ones that may form from the wounds on his forehead.

Erik is still complaining tremendously about the pain in his lower back. I feel so bad for him, it is completely debilitating. I think he is also petty bored at the hospital.

The greatest bit of progress was that Erik sat in a chair for the first time tonight. He was not very happy about that but I did notice that the process of standing up was much easier than 3 or 4 days ago. He was supporting most of his weight on his legs, last time I was practically holding him up. He even did a cute little geriatric type dance move for me. Good for erik!

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