Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Things are no longer touch-and-go and so my blog updates have been few and far between. Erik is doing really great. Last weekend the three of us went to the beach and enjoyed some family time in the sand. It was a nice little vacation and much needed. In the last month Erik has started doing all sorts of every day things.
He has golfed 9 holes a few times, which is tiring but worth it. Erik played poker with some of his buddies, and won! He even cooked breakfast for my dad, and dinner for his on fathers day. Erik is now staying home alone several days a week...So give him a call, he may have time to grab a bite to eat or just hang out for a bit.
Yesterday he drove for the first time in almost three months. It went well, actually great and we believe that Erik will soon be able to transport himself to his appointments (after we find a new car that is).
Although in the big scheme of things Erik is recovering great, there is still a steep mountain ahead. Erik is going to Physical and Speech Therapy several times a week. The doctors appointments are frequent, and we are now trying to figure out what to do about his right eye. Erik is seeing several different eye specialists and there may be more surgeries in the future. We are unsure what the next step will be. Erik has problems with severe headaches and fatigue...and as a family we are dealing with the emotional aspects of the accident. Life is different now, we need to take things a bit slower. We have learned to sidestep around loud noises, and lots of commotion. We try things, and if they aren't working out - we back off. As the old saying goes, we take take it day by day and we make the most of the small things.

Thank you everyone for being so great. We have awesome friends and family and you amaze us every day. Erik, Tanner and I are lucky to be surrounded by wonderful people.