Friday, April 4, 2008

How to see messages

I know some of you are having problems figuring out the comment part of this blog. That is a bummer because the comments are the best part. I wish we could get them all in one spot instead of all over the place but I do not think it is possible (if someone knows how to do that on blogger then pass the word on).

I will explain again how to get to the comments. At the end of the post, or letter it looks like this 0 comments "

See that? it says either 0 comments or 7 comments? Click on the actual words that say 7 comments that is underlined and you'll get there.
These comments are on EACH POST (each day) so if you want to read all of them you really have to look for them. The only way to know if there is a new comment is to check through all the posts and see if you see one. People are more likely to respond to the more current posts than the old ones. I am lucky though. I have found a way for the new comments to be emailed directly to me. I cant do that for all of you. Sorry about that.

1 comment:

Bob Schatz said...

I am emailing you from Atlanta Georgia. I had to respond from this part of the blog because of course I am the one that needs this type of help. In joining the blog site I had to type a password and the computer told me it was too weak and I had to join the club and all that stuff. I got frustrated and quit. Now I am sitting at a hotel and thought I would give it another try and my password was classified as strong (good sign) but I really had a hard time getting the letters right in that word verification thing. Took three tries but here I am. I hope I don' type all this and then they want me to redo a password and loose it all or something. anyway it looks like this thing will work.
It sounds like Erik is not only recovering but he is like super-patient. He is going to be the last one in and the first one out and the amount of support you have just blows me away. I wish I was so lucky.
I think I am on the 4th tier as far as visiting Erik (and I am fine with that) goes but hopefully first tier for bringing you lunch or something at the hall. I'll have to tell you about my trip through Georgia and South Carolina which involves such topics as passing the ambulance on the freeway, naked granny for $250,000, British accents at the front desk, stealing the toilet plunger, pool with the Budweiser girls, fat people falling down and some subjects not to be listed here.
Honestly I am so happy to hear that Erik is doing so good, I will see you soon.
