Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Waiting game...

Erik is doing about the same. I was not at the hospital for his OT today but I guess he got up again and walked around. Tanner, Jen and I went to the hospital tonight to visit. Erik was happier than ever to share his dinner with Tanner. Tanner had a great time using his new doctor tools on Erik and spoon feeding him icecream (a little messy for Erik). I think that he really enjoyed our visit because he got lots of TLC from his family.

Dont be scared to wake Erik up to visit with him. It is good for him to be more awake during the day and asleep at night. It takes him a few minutes to wake him up but keep at it. I usually say "hey, I'm here, wake up" a few times and then start sitting up his bed (you don't have mess with his bed if don't want to though). He's fine, he is usually bummed if he misses someone's visit. If he moves to a new place, I will put the visiting info on the website at that time.

I am still waiting on Erik's Discharge plan from OHSU. He is getting evaluated for entrance into the Providence Rehab Center(we're trying to skip the nursing home all together). We should know more tomorrow...who knows, he could be moved tomorrow? They have been saying this for 3 days - I hear that dragging out discharge is not an uncommon thing - so its a waiting game.

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